JEBs Jannu Fountain Pen

About JEBs Jannu:
The most prominent feature of this pen is the two-tone color design. I thought the name fit the style because the white finial on the red & white strawberry pen reminds me of a snow-capped mountain. The Jannu has an oversized cap with a small chamfer at the base and a round finial at the top. It’s two-tone style is perfect for using your imagination and creating a pen with a unique color combination. You could also add some additional hardware to add a little more flair to your pen.
About the name:
The Jannu gets it’s name from Mount Jannu, which ranks as the 32nd highest mountain in the world. Kumbhakarna is the official name of this peak, which is located in Nepal, India. Another name is “Phoktanglungma,” which literally means “Mountain with Shoulders.” But those names are a bit too long. Besides, neither name rolled off the tongue, so I decided to use Jannu. The mountain is notable for its climbing challenge, known as one of the hardest peaks to climb. For more information about Mount Jannu, visit:
The capped length of the Jannu is about 5 7/8″, and the uncapped length is about 5 1/8″. The maximum diameters are cap 5/8″ and barrel 9/16″. The cap has a slight taper from bottom to top. The barrel’s taper is front to back. The style uses small capping threads, so cap posting is not an option.
Options and upgrades:
Since the Jannu is fairly plain as far as hardware goes, you could upgrade it with a variety of accent bands at various locations.
Inking systems: The standard system is cartridge/converter (C/C). The barrel style will also accommodate several other inking systems: eyedropper, button filler, bulb filler, or vacumatic.
Nib options: The Jannu is fitted with a #6 steel Jowo nib. Nib finishes available are polished steel (PS) or all-gold steel (AGS). Sometimes other finishes are available, so if you’re looking for a different finish, please inquire about what may be currently available. Current tip sizes are x-fine, fine, medium, broad, and 1.1 & 1.5 italic. 14k & 18k gold nibs are also available as upgrades.
Miscellaneous items:
I also offer a variety of hand-made pen-related items. Pen Props, pen cap Buttons, Pen and Ink Trays, Cufflinks, and Button Covers. Use a Pen Props to display a pen or temporarily raise the nib. Order in a pen-matching material or a wooden style in a variety of finishes. Cap Buttons are small pieces of cap jewelry you can add to a clipless pen to keep it from rolling. Use a Pen & Ink Trays to display your favorite pen and ink. Trays are available in several styles and in your choice of natural wood. Cufflinks and Button Covers are timeless favorites that dress up a shirt. Order them in pen-matching material.

To custom order any of the pens you see on my website for yourself or as a gift, please contact me at jeb<@>
If you need fountain pen maintenance help (cleaning, refilling, or general issues), please visit my “Fountain Pen Help Line” page. If you’re having a problem and can’t find a solution, use the contact form or send an email.
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