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Pen and Ink Trays

These pen and ink trays are one of the newest editions to my website!

Pen and ink trays (or PIT’s) are wooden trays for storing ink jars and fountain pens. Sometimes stored permanently, sometimes just temporarily while refilling a pen. Some PITs can store just one bottle; others can store two.

One thing is certain: they can be any size and shape. Some trays have a recess to fit a specific brand of ink. Some trays will store a variety of ink brands.

When I did my initial research on PIT’s, I only found a few production trays marketed by pen manufacturers. The two styles I found most often came from Parker and Conway Stewart.

The Parker tray is pretty fancy. It’s a stepped tray with a round recess for ink on the top step, then two slots for pens on the bottom step. The top step also housed a covered storage compartment for miscellaneous parts. The compartment had a separate cover or lid, with a fancy knob and a brass plate emblazoned with the Parker logo. And finally, the underside of the compartment lid was an ink blotter.

The Conway Stewart tray was a little more plain. A flat rectangular design with two square recesses to store ink bottles. CS’s bottles are square, with 45-degree cut corners. So the tray recess has the same cut-out.

Last year, I had inquired about making similar trays of both styles. My Parker-style tray has a second ink storage recess instead of the parts compartment. The front of the recesses has notches cut out so the customer can read the labels on the ink bottles.

My CS-style tray has the same layout as the original. The only difference is in the edge profile. The CS tray has an ogee profile. I wanted my tray to have a more updated look, so I used a simple 45-degree edge profile.

If you have an idea for a PIT you would like someone to make, send me an email!

Parker Style Pen and Ink Tray

  • Parker Style Pen and Ink Tray in Mahogany with Pen and Ink
    Parker Style Pen and Ink Tray in Mahogany with Pen and Ink

Conway Stewart Style Pen and Ink Tray

  • Conway Stewart Style Pen and Ink Tray in Pine with Pens and Ink
    Conway Stewart Style Pen and Ink Tray in Pine with Pens and Ink

Miscellaneous items:
I also offer a variety of hand-made pen-related items. Pen Props, pen cap Buttons, Pen and Ink Trays, Cufflinks, and Button Covers. Use a Pen Props to display a pen or temporarily raise the nib. Order in a pen-matching material or a wooden style in a variety of finishes. Cap Buttons are small pieces of cap jewelry you can add to a clipless pen to keep it from rolling. Use a Pen & Ink Trays to display your favorite pen and ink. Trays are available in several styles and in your choice of natural wood. Cufflinks and Button Covers are timeless favorites that dress up a shirt. Order them in pen-matching material.

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To custom order any of the pens you see on my website for yourself or as a gift, please contact me at jeb<@>

If you need fountain pen maintenance help (cleaning, refilling, or general issues), please visit my “Fountain Pen Help Line” page. If you’re having a problem and can’t find a solution, use the contact form or send an email.

For pricing, shipping, and warranty information, click the CONTACT link in the footer menu.