JEBs CS Fountain Pen Styles
About JEBs CS Fountain Pens
This is my collection of Conway Stewart tribute pens. They’re styled after pens of the same name from The Conway Stewart Pen Company (aka ‘CS’). I call them “JEBs CS” fountain pens. If you’re not aware of the company’s recent history, the original company, which was in business for more than 100 years, went out of business in September 2014.
Not long after CS closed their doors, some of the original hardware started to pop up on eBay. And at about the same time, one of my material suppliers was making a bulk purchase of CS’s leftover material. At the time, I felt these combined circumstances were attempting to lead me down a certain path. You see, I was always a fan of CS pens, especially the Churchill, which coincidentally were some of the clips I found on eBay. So I thought it was the perfect time to attempt making a Churchill pen.
Eventually, I was successful with the Churchill Then came the Duro. Sometime later, the Dandy. These three pens have a commonality in that they all use the same clip style. Then I found some 58 clips on eBay, so that pen came next. Then another customer wanted a Winston. Eventually, came the Nelson, which is now the latest addition to the JEBs CS fountain pens collection. I made small changes to each model in order to add my own personal touch and distinguish them from the originals.
JEB’s 58
Fountain Pen
The “58” has a capped length of about 5 1/8″ (13 cm) and is one of CS’s smallest pens. It has an uncapped length of about 5 1/2″ (14 cm) and a maximum barrel diameter of .51″ (13 mm). The cap is wide at the base with raised bands and then tapers nicely up to a surface-mounted clip.
JEB’s Dandy
Fountain Pen
This is my version of the Dandy. The style is similar to the Duro (below), but like the 58 (above), it has raised cap bands. The capped length is about 5″ (127mm) with the standard short barrel. The short barrel only accepts a cartridge, but a longer barrel length is available that will accept a converter. Button and Lever options are also available for either barrel length.
JEB’s Duro
Fountain Pen
A mid-size fountain pen, the Duro bears a resemblance to the Dandy in style but has a longer length and flush bands. The capped length is about 5 3/4″ (146mm).
The Duro is available in several color configurations, with the standard version in a single material style and two 2-tone versions available as upgrades.
JEB’s Nelson
Fountain Pen
The Nelson is my newest CS fountain pen. It borrows some styling from the Duro, with the same oversize cap. But it has a few distinct features of its own that set it apart, such as the tapered ends. My version sports a different clip; otherwise, the styling is the same.
JEB’s Churchill
Fountain Pen
The Churchill is an iconic fountain pen that was named after Sir Winston Churchill. While the styling of many of the CS models changed over the years, the Churchill has stayed much the same.
My version has a few subtle differences, such as a slightly thinner cap and only four finial grooves. It’s available in multiple material configuration and inking systems.
JEB’s Winston
Fountain Pen
The Winston fountain pen is similar in size to the Churchill, even borrowing the same overall barrel shape. The only difference is the rounded blind cap, whereas the Churchill is flat. In addition, the cap is fatter, with a much shorter finial. My version sports the Churchill surface-mounted clip as opposed to Winston’s ring-mounted clip.
Miscellaneous items:
I also offer a variety of hand-made pen-related items. Pen Props, pen cap Buttons, Pen and Ink Trays, Cufflinks, and Button Covers. Use a Pen Props to display a pen or temporarily raise the nib. Order in a pen-matching material or a wooden style in a variety of finishes. Cap Buttons are small pieces of cap jewelry you can add to a clipless pen to keep it from rolling. Use a Pen & Ink Trays to display your favorite pen and ink. Trays are available in several styles and in your choice of natural wood. Cufflinks and Button Covers are timeless favorites that dress up a shirt. Order them in pen-matching material.

To custom order any of the pens you see on my website for yourself or as a gift, please contact me at jeb<@>
If you need fountain pen maintenance help (cleaning, refilling, or general issues), please visit my “Fountain Pen Help Line” page. If you’re having a problem and can’t find a solution, use the contact form or send an email.
For pricing, shipping, and warranty information, click the CONTACT link in the footer menu.